I was finally able to find a list of all 24 from a photo on the back of a sealed set on eBay so let me put the list here. I'll bold the six that we don't have which we won't have photos of - somehow we are missing exactly three of the good guys and three of the bad guys. Something to note is that all of the good guys have dark color bases and the bad guys have gold bases.
The Eliminators (Good Guys) 1. Emperor Gar 2. Champion Shotgun 3. Stalker Blud 4. Stalker Tangle 5. Stalker Gash 6. Stalker Scorcher Fire Knights (Good Guys) 7. Iron Top 8. Volcano 9. Nightmare Ice Knights (Good Guys) 10. Blowgun 11. Whip Shot 12. Trident | The Dread Force (Baddies) 13. King Deth-Blo 14. Champion Switchblade 15. Stalker Gore 16. Stalker Mangle 17. Stalker Klaw 18. Stalker Blowtorch Muckers (Baddies) 19. Bludgeon 20. Odor 21. Butcher Rotters (Baddies) 22. Slug 23. Maggot 24. Sloth |
Mr. Gash looks like yet another knight and less like a ninja. Yellow eyes which seems to be commonplace among the Eliminators.
I'm not certain what qualifies you to reach "Stalker" level within the Eliminators ranks, but I'd like to think it means that you follow your opponent around the ring relentlessly until they give up or you both fall over out of exhaustion. Three colors again with white and red making up the most of the figure and of course yellow eyes. He's also got a cool mace on his back that he probably uses for stalking or scorching.
"Oh that's easy, call that one 'Maggot'."
"Nice! That's why you're the president of stupid operations here at Parker Bros.!"
I mean, it could be a gray little maggot wearing a beetle coat of armor to toughen itself up. But I think I'm helping too much here. Maggot is dark green, light gray and yellow.
Black, green and yellow with crossed arms, fly-like bug eyes and he somewhat resembles Buzz-Off from Masters of the Universe. But as long as the folks at Parker Bros. had a good Labor Day weekend, who gives a crap about all that.