But from the looks of it, I'm guessing TIE Fighter Pilots play a big role in the upcoming 'Star Wars: Rebels' television show. Which is good and bad news for me as I really like collecting TIE Fighter Pilot figures. I'm assuming this goes back to my weird need to collect repaints and having grown up owning an AT-AT Driver figure, eventually seeing that there was a similar uniformed figure but in black sort of sealed the deal.
If you've seen the new SW Rebels merchandise hitting shelves you've probably seen that there's a few 18" figures and even some larger figures including the Vader that's been on shelves for close to two years now and some new named characters from the upcoming show. Again, I usually breeze over the Star Wars stuff, but always make it a point to at least take a look, and I'm really glad I did. This figure, though limited in articulation is very impressive. It has the same amount as the standard Hasbro Titan series with 7 points of articulation; neck, wrists, shoulders and legs. Though if they would have stuck with the five that the original Kenner figures had, I would have been fine with that.
A figure that comes in at this scale pulls it off of a regular action figure shelf and grants itself space on entertainment centers, book shelves or office desks. This series is a really smart release on behalf of Jakks Pacific (surprisingly not Hasbro) as it uses very little plastic and has limited articulation which keeps it's price point right around $20 so that it's accessible to kids for play and collectors (such as myself) wouldn't think twice about picking this up at that price point. While Hasbro has led the way, and obviously has done very well, with the Titan series of figures, Jakks Pacific has taken note and released some great figures in the same vein. This figure in particular gives off a very regal feel when displayed, arms at his side - as if he's awaiting orders to jump in his aircraft (commonly know as TIE Fighters, less commonly known as Twin Ion Engines Fighters) and engage the Rebels.
I should mention that I also really like the packaging guidelines for the new show's merchandise, the sleek new Stormtrooper helmet along with the hard edge orange and blue splatters on top of a very mechanical gray really stand out on the shelves - possibly in part to the tendency of Star Wars products to favor darker color schemes.
Liz: Now I want Thai food.