Part of the daily chores here now includes watering those flowers, re-setting the wire fence around it that people keep running over when parking and throwing out about a metric ton of litter that gathers in that spot constantly. Recently when picking out the trash, I noticed a peculiar rock that seemed to be somewhat out of place and brought it in the store for further inspection. Little did I know that the "rock" that I had collected was actually from Planet Quartex - a Shock Rock, a rock warrior with awesome might!
He sort of reminds me of a mix between the little guys from Batteries Not Included and a Gorgon from Zelda. We actually came across him because we got a couple Rock Lords in the store and were looking them up to price them, but when looking on www.tfu.info at all the Rock Lords listed and saw him there, we had to buy him instantly. Luckily there was one on eBay for a reasonable BIN price so now he's hanging out in our personal collection being the cutest rock-based toy we have.
He's one of those guys that you can't help but be happy around. He's always got a smile on his face and rarely, if ever, speaks a word. Seriously, go make friends with a rock (whoops, sorry - Rock Lord), they're perfect companions.
A lot of people today would laugh about the thought of Tonka/Bandai making a line of transforming rocks back in the 80s, but honestly kids loved these things. Most kids actually get into rock collecting at one point or another and while most of the rocks they pick up are of the boring brown variety, Tonka and Bandai gave kids a wide variety of colorful rocks that just also happened to transform into robots. Although there were a few gray and brown rocks included in the line as well, there were figures with translucent parts and really pretty color schemes. Rock Roller here being part of the later. Who wouldn't want to find a blue and white swirl rock in the wild? That shit would be the prized possession of any boring rock collection and you know it.
While we're still somewhat on the subject of silly things that transformed into robots in the 80s, I want to point out this scene in Big where Tom hanks tells all the bigwigs at the toy company that buildings aren't cool alternative forms for alien robots. I feel the same sentiment could have been given towards transforming rocks.
Liz: Seriously stop running over the fence.